Saturday, April 16, 2016

Dinner - HIT n RUN TRAY BAKED CHICKEN - 0.63 USD per serving



Cooking time :         70 - 80 mins 
Cost per serving:      5.00  MOP
                                  0.63  USD 
                                 28.88 PHP

What we need

Fresh or Frozen:

4 Chicken breasts                             =  30.00 Mop

Other ingredients:

Half Yellow Pepper
Half Red Pepper
scallions/ spring onions
French beans
Mushrooms (Shitake)
Balsamic vinegar
Olive oil

Total may be about more or less 10.00 Mop

What I did

1. I watched this video.

2. I wanted some vegetables to go with it so I added carrots, french beans and some mushrooms. These veggies are left overs from the other dishes I made and I thought, why not add them here to lessen food waste. It works well anyway. :)

Cut chicken breast
Add in the chopped ingredients
Season and add olive oil

Mix well and pop into the oven
180°C for 1 hr


The pan I have available is small, but I was able to fit everything in it. One full pan can serve 8 up to 10 people. I was able to make 16 cuts from the 4 chicken breasts and at the end of the day we still have 3 left over chicken cuts. I used 8 serving for the computation.

I served the chicken with the mashed caulitato. ^_^
I was able make the mashed caulitato while this is baking in the oven.
Total serving is under 10.00Mop / 1.25 Usd / 57.00 Php

Thank you! :)


Forex rate based on Google on the day this post was published.
Prices of ingredients are based in Macau. 




Cooking time :         30 - 45 mins 
Cost per serving:      4.25  MOP
                                  0.53 USD 
                                 24.55 PHP

What we need

Fresh or Frozen:

1 head Cauliflower                              =  12.00 Mop
3 russet Potatoes (starchy and cheap)  =  12.00 Mop

Other ingredients:

Spring onion / scallion (chopped)    
A knob of butter                                  
Full cream milk
Parmesan cheese (optional)
Mozzarella cheese (optional)

Total may be about more or less 10.00 Mop

What I did

1. Get a pot or deep pan. Put ample amount of water to boil the potatoes and the cauliflower.
2. Get it boiling.
3. While waiting for the water to boil, peel the potatoes and cut into big chunks.
4. When the water starts boiling, add in the potatoes.
5. Season with salt and pepper (not too much, just a pinch) then cover.
6. While waiting for the potatoes to cook, start cleaning and chopping the cauliflower.
7. Check the potatoes, stick a fork into one of them. If the fork goes through smoothly, it is cooked, if the fork goes only half way, it is almost cooked which is what we want.
8. When the potatoes are half way cooked, add in the cauliflower.
9. Season again with a bit of salt and pepper and then cover.
10. 2-3 mins later, stick a fork on the potatoes and the cauliflower - if the fork goes through smoothly, they are cooked.
11. Remove from heat and drain.
12. Start smashing. You can use a good potato smasher, or toss it to the food processor, which ever you prefer. In my case, I don't have them both so I used a balloon whisk instead.
13. Depending on the texture or consistency you are after, you can smash them until they super creamy or with a bit of tiny chunks.
14. In a separate bowl, heat a cup of milk with a knob or 2 of butter. This can be done in a pan, but I am too lazy to do that so I put my bowl of milk and butter in the microwave for about 1 min. I am sorry. We don't want a cold milk into the hot mashed mixture because it may jeopardize the texture.
15. Once the milk is heated and the butter is melted, add it into the mashed caulitato a few tablespoons at a time.(yup I just used "caulitato".. yeah!) We are doing this so we can control and get the consistency we want. Too much liquid will make your mashed caulitato runny and gross. :)
16. If you are happy with the consistency, add in the finely chopped scallions or spring onions - about 2 tablespoons will do.
17. Taste and season with salt and pepper if needed.

And done!!!!

If you want to elevate it though..

18. Add in some finely grated parmesan cheese.. (only if you want it cheesy). Mix well.
19. Transfer into a baking tray.
20. Top off with mozzarella cheese and then bacon bits. (optional)
21. Bake. Pop into the preheated oven  about 220°C for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. You will know when it is burned anyway because you'll keep on checking it... ^_^ or maybe it's just me.. :)
22. If you are happy of how it looks, take it out of the oven or turn the oven off and let it rest inside for a few minutes and then serve.


I used 8x8x4 inches disposable tray to bake the mashed caulitato. It can make 8 up to 16 servings. I used the 8 servings for the calculation.

Thank you! :)


Forex rate based on Google on the day this post was published.
Prices of ingredients are based in Macau. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Dinner - FRENCH BEANS WITH MINCED PORK - 1.27 USD per serving



Cooking time :         15-20 mins 
Cost per serving:      10.14 MOP
                                   1.27 USD 
                                 58.76 PHP

What we need

Fresh or Frozen:
(4 servings)

Minced pork (285g)            =  20.00 Mop
French beans                       =    8.00 Mop
Rice                                    =     5.00 Mop
Potato                                 =     3.55 Mop
Other ingredients:

Chopped tomatoes      
Minced onion
Minced garlic
1 knob of butter
Olive oil
Soy sauce
Minced chili pepper (optional)
Sesame oil (optional)
Sesame seeds (optional)

Total may be about more or less 4.00 Mop

What I did

1. Clean the french beans by removing that stringy like part on the sides. This is optional, my grandmother hates it so she would tell me to remove it. You don't really have to do this. I just got used to the "process" ^_^. If you are skipping this part, just wash the beans thoroughly.
2. Chop them however you want as long as they are at least uniform in size so they cook at the same time. My grandmother again likes them to be cut diagonally. Again, I just got used to the "process".
3. Once done, set aside.
4.Wash a potato, you can peel them or not, entirely your choice. I don't peel my potatoes though so I wash them well.
5. Dice the potatoes to make at least a cup. Then set aside and soak in water.
6. Heat the pan, and some olive oil.
7. Add a knob of butter or not, you can totally not add the butter, but I like butter. :)
8. While waiting for the oil to get hot, start chopping  the onion or garlic.
9. Once the oil is hot enough, pour in the minced pork and let it cook
10. While waiting for it to be cooked, continue chopping the onion, garlic and tomatoes.
11. Notice that the pork is almost cooked but pale. Time to add some seasoning (salt and pepper) and about a tablespoon of soy sauce.
12. Move the minced pork to one side of the pan and tilt the pan a bit. Some trick huh.. :)
13. Add the minced garlic on the side where the oil is. Cook for 30 seconds.
14. Add the minced onion. Cook for 30 seconds.
15. Add the minced chili pepper (if you want it to be spicy). Cook for 30 seconds.
16. Add the chopped tomatoes. Cook again for another 30 seconds.
17. Mix in with the pork.
18. Add the beans and mix.
19. Cover and cook for about 2 minutes.
20. Add the potatoes.
21. Season with salt and pepper. I added a dash of paprika to add some heat.
22. Mix well, add half a teacup of water. cover and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
23. Sprinkle some sesame seeds or add a bit of sesame oil for that asian taste. Totally optional.


This dish can serve 4 or up to 5. But we eat like there is no tomorrow so me and my husband ate it all. I'm pregnant and hungry! ^_^

Thank you! :)


Forex rate based on Google on the day this post was published.

Lunch - POTATO PORK ROLLS - 1.05 USD per serving



We were not able to eat our dinner at home the previous night. Which leads to having pork chops and hash browns leftovers. We didn't want to just reheat them or throw them away. So we thought of a different way to make it more appetizing and fresh.

Cooking time :         10 - 15 mins 
Cost per serving:      8.40  MOP
                                 1.05  USD 
                               48.65 PHP

What we need

Left overs: (2 servings)

Pork chop                                              = 18.00 Mop
4 Hash brown potato patties                 =   8.00 Mop

Other ingredients:

Minced garlic
Minced onion
Minced chili pepper
Barbeque sauce (store bought or home-made)
Cheese sandwich
Spring roll sheets

Total may be about more or less 8.00 Mop


Chopped  Tomatoes =     3.00 Mop 
Rice (500 grams)     =     5.00 Mop

What I did

Have a peek...

1. Put minced garlic, minced onion, chili pepper, seasoning (paprika, pepper, salt, a bit of rosemary and thyme) in a bowl.
2. Add ample amount of bbq sauce or the home-made one if you have. My husband loves his own sauce made up of (ketchup, sirracha, balsamic vinegar or a splash of lemon, brown sugar, a bit of olive oil). So this is what I used. Leave some for later use.
3. Crumble the hash browns and add into the bowl.
4. Mix everything well. And set aside.
5. Slice the pork chops about 2 1/2 inches long. Set aside.
6. Slice some cheese. Set Aside.
7. Start rolling!
    Potatoes first as the base (about a 1 tsp full)
    Add the cheese on top
    Add the pork chop
    Put a bit of the sauce on top
    Roll them together.
    Dab a drop of water to seal
8. Heat a pan or pot (whatever you have)
9. Add oil, if you can afford more oil, much better. :)
10. Once hot, add in the spring rolls.
11. Cook until golden brown.
12. Remove from oil and drain.
13. Serve with sauce / ketchup  and rice.


We were able to make 15 pcs of spring rolls. 3 pcs is the ideal serving per person. :)

Thank you! :)


Forex rate based on Google on the day this post was published.
All prices are based in Macau, it may be lower or higher depending on the location.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Breakfast - Almost Eggs Benedict - 1.10 USD per serving



Why almost? hehehe..

Here's the thing, It is a Monday and It is also a public holiday here in Macau. The locals are celebrating Ching Ming Festival and guess what, most of the stores are closed. And the few ones that are open don't have fresh delivery of bread today. So yes.. No English muffin.. :( But this is not the day to just give up!

I really want to try this breakfast dish and I thought this is the only day have to mess about and get it right. So I dropped the English muffin issue and used whatever I have in the fridge (hash brown potato patties) instead.

This is the most challenging dish I have done so far. I used Gordon Ramsay's youtube video and It's like I can hear Gordon yell at me while I was cooking.. "Fix it you, Donkey! or as you say Monkey!!" lol. Funny thought! This is my first time and I must say, I'm quite proud of the result!

Cooking time :         expectation : 10 mins
                                 reality         : 70 mins
Cost per serving:      8.75 MOP
                                  1.10 USD 
                                 50.50 PHP

What we need

Hollandaise sauce:

Eggs  = 3-4 eggs (depending on the size of the eggs)  = 2.00 Mop each = 6.00 Mop

Fun bit :
I used a total of 8 eggs to make 2 sets of hollandaise sauce because I messed up the first one.. hahaha..

The rest (each):

Hash Brown Potato Patties  = 2.00 Mop
Eggs                                     = 2.00 Mop
Ham                                     = 2.00 Mop

Other ingredients:

Canola Oil
2 oz Butter
3/4 tbsp White wine vinegar
1 tsp Lemon juice

Total may be about more or less 5.00 Mop

What I did

Basically, I just followed the instructions in this video :
Yes this is Gordon Ramsay! hehehe!

1. I used whatever cheap chinese ham we have at home and cut them in half.
2. Heat the pan, pour some oil and cook them. :)

3. Once, done, set aside.
4. For the hash browns - using the same pan, pour some more oil. (It is better to deep fry them but we don't have that luxury.. ^_^
5. Once the oil is hot enough, drench the hash brown patties.
6. When they are golden brown on the other other side, flip them.
7. Once done, remove from oil and set aside.
8. Poach the eggs according to the video. I tried my best on this.. but I think if you are making more than 2 poach eggs, consider doing Jamie Oliver's techniques.

Here is Jamie and his poached eggs! :)

9. I did the hollandaise sauce last because I know that this is going to be a bit more challenging than the poached eggs. And I followed Gordon's video the best I could.

Here is the reality! I miserably failed on the first try. :)

I overcooked it at some point. I forgot to season it.
Put too much white wine vinegar and too much lemon!
It didn't taste horrible but I was just a bit too acidic for our taste.
Total casualty : 4 eggs and 2 oz of butter :(

Fortunately, my husband had my back and told me to try again.  Good Guy Hubby to the rescue!
We took turns in whisking and pouring the butter.. aaaaaaaawww so sweet..
We fixed the acidity issue and seasoned it well.

We realized how difficult it is to work with limited tools and resource.

We only have 1 pan, 1 pot and 1 glass bowl and none of those different kinds of ladles (I used a big spoon to take out the poached eggs from the water by the way..) 

But if there is a will, there is a way, right? Glad to make all these work! yeah!

Yup, this is how we made it. 

First Attempt that failed miserably! :) 

The better hollandaise sauce! :)

10. Do the thing! Base first which are the hash brown, then the ham, then the poached egg, and then the hollandaise sauce...


Thanks to my lovely hubby for supporting me and helping me. In the end, it was a team effort and we pulled it off!  How can't I love this guy!!! <3 <3 <3

Forex rate based on Google on the day this post was published.
All prices are based here in Macau, it may be lower or higher depending on the location.

Thank you! :)


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Breakfast - "Sa Pula, Sa Puti" Bacon Fried Rice - 0.99 USD per serving



RED OR WHITE" BACON FRIED RICE - the history of "sa pula, sa puti" is used by people during cock fights on where they want to bet their money on; on the red rooster or the white rooster. Since today is Sunday and this is the legal day in our town to held cock fights. Why not incorporate it to our simple breakfast. I miss home. :)

Cooking time :         20 mins
Cost per serving:      7.88 MOP
                                  0.99 USD 
                                 45.50 PHP

What we need

Left overs:

Cooked crumbled rice        =  2 servings  =   2.50 Mop

A typical Filipino home always have cold cooked rice (leftover) but if you don't have this, you can cook rice early on or the night before. We usually use the cold rice for fried rice or porridge for breakfast.

Frozen goodies:

Bacon                     = 8 Strips = 24.00 Mop
Mixed Vegetables

Other ingredients:

Minced garlic
Minced onion
Chopped Spring onion
Minced chili pepper (optional)
A handful or 2 of mixed vegetable
1 knob of butter

Olive oil
Fish sauce
Tomato /spaghetti sweet style sauce

Total may be about more or less 5.00 Mop

What I did

1. Heat the pan, add a bit of olive oil... just a bit!
2. Cook the bacon, it will start to sweat all that excess fat.. yeaaaaaaah!!!!
3. We have 8 strips of bacon so I just did 4 strips first and set it aside to cool.
4. Cook the other 4 strips to the crisp you like.
5. Chop the first 4 strips of  bacon.
6. Once the other 4 strips are cooked, remove them from the pan and set them aside.
7. Oh yeah, all those gorgeous oil in the pan, we are going to use it..add a knob of butter.
8. Be careful not to burn the butter, lift the pan from heat if needed.
9. Once the butter is melted, toast the garlic.
10. If you are happy with how beautify brown the chopped garlic are, add the onion, chili pepper and spring onion.
11. Mix them a bit, and then add the mixed vegetables.
12. Season them well but not too salty because the bacon is a bit salty already.
13. Add in the chopped cooked bacon.
14. And in the rice.
15. Get some fish sauce in there... about 1-2 tbsp, season well.
16. Mix them all and be merry!!!! (if only i have a wok, it will be a lot easier.. hehehe)

The "White" fried rice is done! Just take out some of the fried rice and set them aside.
Leave some for the "Red" fried rice. If you are too lazy to do the red, you don't have to do this... ^_^

17. You can use tomato paste + ketchup to make the red rice but I have a sweet style spaghetti sauce lying around from the Philippines, so I used it instead.
18. Just mix that in with the rice.
 19. Season again as you wish. I added paprika because the sauce is sweet and a bit acidic so, I kicked it a bit with spice.
20. Mix well and that's it!

Do your eggs in another pan, sunny, scrambled, whichever you like..
In our case, we don't like to season sunny eggs because we like to incorporate the eggs with the fried rice. If the fried rice is seasoned well, the unseasoned egg should be a compliment. :)


The fried rice can serve up to 8.
1 plate can serve up to 4 depending on the appetite.. hehehe :) . If you have a big family, just add more bacon and eggs :)

Forex rate based on Google on the day this post was published.

Thank you! :)


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