Saturday, April 16, 2016




Cooking time :         30 - 45 mins 
Cost per serving:      4.25  MOP
                                  0.53 USD 
                                 24.55 PHP

What we need

Fresh or Frozen:

1 head Cauliflower                              =  12.00 Mop
3 russet Potatoes (starchy and cheap)  =  12.00 Mop

Other ingredients:

Spring onion / scallion (chopped)    
A knob of butter                                  
Full cream milk
Parmesan cheese (optional)
Mozzarella cheese (optional)

Total may be about more or less 10.00 Mop

What I did

1. Get a pot or deep pan. Put ample amount of water to boil the potatoes and the cauliflower.
2. Get it boiling.
3. While waiting for the water to boil, peel the potatoes and cut into big chunks.
4. When the water starts boiling, add in the potatoes.
5. Season with salt and pepper (not too much, just a pinch) then cover.
6. While waiting for the potatoes to cook, start cleaning and chopping the cauliflower.
7. Check the potatoes, stick a fork into one of them. If the fork goes through smoothly, it is cooked, if the fork goes only half way, it is almost cooked which is what we want.
8. When the potatoes are half way cooked, add in the cauliflower.
9. Season again with a bit of salt and pepper and then cover.
10. 2-3 mins later, stick a fork on the potatoes and the cauliflower - if the fork goes through smoothly, they are cooked.
11. Remove from heat and drain.
12. Start smashing. You can use a good potato smasher, or toss it to the food processor, which ever you prefer. In my case, I don't have them both so I used a balloon whisk instead.
13. Depending on the texture or consistency you are after, you can smash them until they super creamy or with a bit of tiny chunks.
14. In a separate bowl, heat a cup of milk with a knob or 2 of butter. This can be done in a pan, but I am too lazy to do that so I put my bowl of milk and butter in the microwave for about 1 min. I am sorry. We don't want a cold milk into the hot mashed mixture because it may jeopardize the texture.
15. Once the milk is heated and the butter is melted, add it into the mashed caulitato a few tablespoons at a time.(yup I just used "caulitato".. yeah!) We are doing this so we can control and get the consistency we want. Too much liquid will make your mashed caulitato runny and gross. :)
16. If you are happy with the consistency, add in the finely chopped scallions or spring onions - about 2 tablespoons will do.
17. Taste and season with salt and pepper if needed.

And done!!!!

If you want to elevate it though..

18. Add in some finely grated parmesan cheese.. (only if you want it cheesy). Mix well.
19. Transfer into a baking tray.
20. Top off with mozzarella cheese and then bacon bits. (optional)
21. Bake. Pop into the preheated oven  about 220°C for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. You will know when it is burned anyway because you'll keep on checking it... ^_^ or maybe it's just me.. :)
22. If you are happy of how it looks, take it out of the oven or turn the oven off and let it rest inside for a few minutes and then serve.


I used 8x8x4 inches disposable tray to bake the mashed caulitato. It can make 8 up to 16 servings. I used the 8 servings for the calculation.

Thank you! :)


Forex rate based on Google on the day this post was published.
Prices of ingredients are based in Macau. 

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