Friday, April 1, 2016

Breakfast - Salmon Fried Rice - 1.17 USD per serving



We are going to use most of the left overs from the dinner last night to save money and avoid wasting food as much as possible.

Cooking time :         10 mins
Cost per serving:      9.38 MOP
                                 1.17 USD 
                                 54.00 PHP

What we need

Left overs:

Shredded Salmon                = 1 serving     = 11.25 Mop
Crumbled Cooked Rice      = 2 servings   =   2.50 Mop

Other ingredients:

1 tsp   Minced garlic
1 tbsp Minced onion
1 -2    Chopped Spring onion
1 tsp   Minced chili pepper (optional)
1 handful of mixed vegetable
1 knob of butter
2 drops of sesame oil (optional)
Olive oil
Fish sauce

Total may be about more or less 5.00 Mop

What I did

1. Heat the pan, add ample amount of olive oil
2. Fry the egg (sunny side up or cooked all the way which ever you prefer). Season as you prefer.
3. Once done, take out of the pan and set aside.
4. Using the same pan, add a bit more of olive oil to cook everything (rice and all) maybe about 2-3 tablespoons.
5. Add a knob of butter and melt it together with the oil.
6. Add the garlic, onion, chili pepper and season.
7. Add a few drops of sesame oil which is optional, this is only for that umph asian flavor and smell.
8. Add the mixed vegetable. Stir fry for about a minute.
9. Add the shredded salmon. Stir fry for about a minute. Season if needed.
10. Add the crumbled cooked rice. Mix.
11. Add seasoning and fish sauce to taste.
12. Stir fry for about a minute or 2 until all ingredients are mixed well.
13. Add some chopped spring onions on top and remove from heat or pan.
14. Add the fried eggs on top of the rice.
15. Add tomatoes on the side if you feel like it. I love tomatoes :)


A. I apologize for not being able to take a photo of the dish. ^_^
My husband ate it before I was able to snap a photo. hehehehe..
We have included a photo taken from the internet for your reference though.

B. Forex rate based on Google on the day this post was published.

Thank you! :)


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