Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Dinner - FRENCH BEANS WITH MINCED PORK - 1.27 USD per serving



Cooking time :         15-20 mins 
Cost per serving:      10.14 MOP
                                   1.27 USD 
                                 58.76 PHP

What we need

Fresh or Frozen:
(4 servings)

Minced pork (285g)            =  20.00 Mop
French beans                       =    8.00 Mop
Rice                                    =     5.00 Mop
Potato                                 =     3.55 Mop
Other ingredients:

Chopped tomatoes      
Minced onion
Minced garlic
1 knob of butter
Olive oil
Soy sauce
Minced chili pepper (optional)
Sesame oil (optional)
Sesame seeds (optional)

Total may be about more or less 4.00 Mop

What I did

1. Clean the french beans by removing that stringy like part on the sides. This is optional, my grandmother hates it so she would tell me to remove it. You don't really have to do this. I just got used to the "process" ^_^. If you are skipping this part, just wash the beans thoroughly.
2. Chop them however you want as long as they are at least uniform in size so they cook at the same time. My grandmother again likes them to be cut diagonally. Again, I just got used to the "process".
3. Once done, set aside.
4.Wash a potato, you can peel them or not, entirely your choice. I don't peel my potatoes though so I wash them well.
5. Dice the potatoes to make at least a cup. Then set aside and soak in water.
6. Heat the pan, and some olive oil.
7. Add a knob of butter or not, you can totally not add the butter, but I like butter. :)
8. While waiting for the oil to get hot, start chopping  the onion or garlic.
9. Once the oil is hot enough, pour in the minced pork and let it cook
10. While waiting for it to be cooked, continue chopping the onion, garlic and tomatoes.
11. Notice that the pork is almost cooked but pale. Time to add some seasoning (salt and pepper) and about a tablespoon of soy sauce.
12. Move the minced pork to one side of the pan and tilt the pan a bit. Some trick huh.. :)
13. Add the minced garlic on the side where the oil is. Cook for 30 seconds.
14. Add the minced onion. Cook for 30 seconds.
15. Add the minced chili pepper (if you want it to be spicy). Cook for 30 seconds.
16. Add the chopped tomatoes. Cook again for another 30 seconds.
17. Mix in with the pork.
18. Add the beans and mix.
19. Cover and cook for about 2 minutes.
20. Add the potatoes.
21. Season with salt and pepper. I added a dash of paprika to add some heat.
22. Mix well, add half a teacup of water. cover and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
23. Sprinkle some sesame seeds or add a bit of sesame oil for that asian taste. Totally optional.


This dish can serve 4 or up to 5. But we eat like there is no tomorrow so me and my husband ate it all. I'm pregnant and hungry! ^_^

Thank you! :)


Forex rate based on Google on the day this post was published.

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